Documentation : Programs

A Group is a list of Programs. The idea is to have one group per song, each group containing all the sounds needed for the song. The song and programs can be reordered easily, and an entire group can be copied to test things out or to start a new song with the same basis...

  • Drag&drop while holding the Ctrl key to copy a program or a group.
  • To move a program to another group : drag the program over the desired group and drop it where you want in the program list. (to copy it, hold the Ctrl key)
  • You can delete the selected program or group with the delete key.
  • Drag&drop to reorder programs and groups.
  • Double-click to rename a program or a group.

List of groups and programs

You can auto-save or auto-discard changes with the radio buttons at the top. When creating new programs, it's probably easier to auto save : check the left button. When playing, you'd better set it to "discard" to prevent unwanted changes to be saved. The middle one will ask what to do, it's mostly useless and pretty annoying, I'll probably remove it.
The radio buttons at the top : auto save changes or discard them
You can load a program or a group by clicking it or you can use the "HostController" tool to assign a midi controller.

1 comment:

  1. You can auto-save or auto-discard changes with the radio buttons at the top. When creating new programs. speech recognition program
